May 7, 2014

Aiden's Baptism Day

This past Saturday Aiden was baptized. It's one of the milestones in my children's life that I can't believe is already here!  It makes me feel so grown up, but mostly proud of him and grateful we must be doing something right as parents. He always surprises me with what he remembers from what he's been taught; by us and at church.  He really seems to have an understanding of what it means to be baptized, and receive the Holy Ghost. Although I'm sure that understanding will grow as he does. 

I spent a lot of time thinking about how we wanted to celebrate this special day and who we would have participate in it. I mostly just invited family members, and a few ward members who know Aiden well (primary teachers, grandparents, aunts and uncles, bishopric).  We were so grateful for everyone who came to support him, and our family! I'll probably invite more of our friends next time (for my other children's baptisms) but I felt like keeping it small this time around. 

Doing things for the first time is always a challenge, and planning a baptism for the first time was no exception.  Luckily I had some great support and help from the bishopric, primary presidency and the stake baptism people to help guide me through what to do and expect.  The primary presidency made the programs which I really appreciated, the Bishop conducted the meeting, and our family helped with talks, music and food afterward.  My mom played the piano, she and Kart's mom each gave a prayer, and my dad and Kart's dad did a great job on the talks.  My dad spoke on the Holy Ghost and Kart's dad spoke on Baptism.  Kart's sister Linnea played a beautiful medley of 3 songs (The Baptism Song, When I Am Baptized, and I Am A Child Of God) on her violin and my mom accompanied her on the piano.  I'm so glad I had her do the musical number.  I was going to sing a duet with her or my dad but finally settled on having her play instead, and it was definitely the right choice. I would've been too emotional to sing anyway, and I think she did an amazing job!
The program went well and then we moved to the baptismal font room to witness Kart baptize Aiden. That turned out to be much more emotional that I had anticipated.  I knew it might be moving but I wasn't expecting to cry so much! The spirit was so strong when Aiden was being baptized that I was overcome with tears as well as feelings of joy and gratitude. I had to leave the room right afterward partly because I felt embarrassed crying in front of everyone, and just to have a minute alone to collect myself. It was a very emotional moment for me. I am so grateful Kart was able to perform the baptism.  I feel like it was even more special because it was the first time Kart has baptized someone! (He helped convert people on his mission but never had the opportunity to be the one who performed the baptisms.)  Kart said after they got out of the water Aiden said "I did it!".  I thought that was cute. He's such a sweet boy and I'm so glad he felt good about his choice to be baptized.

While we waited for Kart and Aiden to change back into their church clothes we asked everyone, who would like to, to write down their testimony or thoughts they want to share with Aiden.  We handed out half sheets of paper and pens, and my mom played prelude while they wrote.  I plan to put the things they wrote in a baptism memory book I'm going to make for Aiden, along with the program, photos from that day, and his baptism certificate.

When Kart and Aiden returned, Kart along with our fathers, his grandpa Close, his brothers, and the bishop confirmed Aiden a member of the Church and blessed him with the gift of the Holy Ghost. Again, the spirit was strong and I felt Kart did a wonderful job.  I'm so grateful to be married to such a good man who tries hard to live a righteous life so he can bless our family with the Priesthood and be a good example to me and our children. I felt like everything went really smoothly and am so grateful to everyone who helped make it happen and those who were there to support us. It was a wonderful morning! 

The baptism was followed by lunch in our backyard for our family members.  I put a lot of thought into the menu and details of that lunch (because I'm kind of a perfectionist I guess) and was relieved to see it all turn out as great as I'd hoped it would be! Part of what was tricky was trying to figure out a menu that also worked for a vegetarian, and someone who is gluten and sugar-free! Thankfully I finally figured it out. The food was delicious and we were even able to find shade to set up the tables under our one tree in the backyard. (something I had worried about- the fact that there's not much shade in our yard) It was actually pretty cozy.

Earlier that week I did a photo shoot with Aiden at the Mount Timpanogos Temple in his church clothes, and I displayed some of those photos in white frames on the food table.  I'm really happy with how they turned out and love how they looked set up with the food.  

Really the whole day was perfect in my eyes.  I couldn't have been happier about it. There's no way I could have done it all with out the help of my amazing mother though! She helped me do the shopping, and a lot of food prep, as well as helping me keep my house clean.  I'm so grateful she was there, and not just for the help, but for the joy of having her and my dad around for a week to spend time with.  It was a lot of fun.  I know the kids loved having them here too. 

 I feel so blessed to have such great family; both my own as well as Kart's, who also helped us a lot that day.
 We always feel so much support in all that we do, and that is a huge blessing in our lives.

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