Jun 1, 2012

thank you Mrs. Smith!

Aiden just finished Kindergarten, and I can not believe how fast the school year went!
I didn't cry the day I dropped him off for the first day of school, but I could not hold back the tears on his last day of school! Honestly, I didn't see that coming. I didn't think it would be hard, at all, but when I was waiting for Aiden to get out of class, the tears started welling up.  It took everything in me to keep it together while I took Aiden's picture with his teacher and said our goodbyes.  But after we left the school, the tears flowed!  I was just so overcome with the feeling of appreciation for everything his teacher did for Aiden all year.  She is so organized, planned so many wonderful activities on top of the lessons and daily stuff they did, and put so much work into each student to help them be and do their best in Kindergarten. She made them each feel so special.  She even made them all memory books that she gave out as a good bye present at the end of the year.  Aiden's had pictures with Kart and Aiden on "Dad's Day" and Aiden and I on "Mom's Day", plus some of the work, journal entries, and pictures he drew through the year.  That's a lot of work to make one of those for every student! She also made us CD's of pictures she took through out the school year of the kids!  I volunteered a lot (thanks to my sisters and many good friends!) so I had the opportunity to see what a great teacher she is first hand. I'm really grateful Aiden had her as a teacher.  What a great teacher to start off his education.  
Thank you Mrs. Smith!

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