Today Owen turns 3 and I turn 31! It was a weekend full of birthday fun. We had a family party with Kart's family and my sister Kara at Kart's parent's house where Owen got some fun toys....and marshmellows! His favorite.
His parents got us a cake that was very cute.
Then this morning, on our real birthday, Kart surprised me with breakfast in bed with some of my favorite breakfast foods. I love everything bagels! They're super messy, but delicious. That mango smoothie was pretty amazing too. Everything was great!
Kara bought Owen a gigantic gorilla and he and his new friend watched movies on the couch together. One of the movies on tv that day just happened to be one of my very favorites- Rudy! I heard Sean Astin (Rudy) and I share the same birthday, and it made me wonder if that's why it was on. I swear it's been on on my birthday before....hmm. Either way, I was so happy to watch it!
Then my in-laws babysat for us that night so we could go out to eat at our new favorite restaurant, Station 22. We also got a waffle from the Waffle Love truck afterward and I ended the day feeling so full I was sick! But I suppose it was worth it. Everything we ate was really good! It was a fun & relaxing day thanks to my sweet husband and his family.
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